My Daily Prayer

Jesus, I pray that You will heal my son and restore his peace and give him a spirit of power and of love and a sound mind. Please protect him from all the attacks of the enemy.

Increase the faith and hope of all who are suffering, especially those living with chronic illness and pain. Strengthen and confirm in them the promise of new life and glory.

I come before You today because Your word assures me that You are near the brokenhearted and that You save those crushed in spirit. You are all knowing and You can see the hurt and agony we experience.

Jesus, lift us up for Your blessings today. I pray that You will anoint us with strength and self care today, tomorrow, and always. I pray that You will grace us with patience and wisdom. I pray that You will encourage us throughout the day to take the correct steps to walk proudly, and behave well.

Guide us, Jesus, in all the changes and varieties of this world; that we may have evenness and tranquility of spirit, that we may not grumble in adversity nor grow proud in prosperity, but in serene faith surrender our souls to Your most divine Will through You.

I pray for all the leaders of the world that they may make just decisions and use their power wisely, so that everyone may receive a fair deal and an equal share in the wealth that God has given us. I pray all of these things in Your name. Amen.

Let there be peace and let it begin with me. Let’s pray for this world. 🙏