The Cockroach Theory

The cockroach theory for self-development.

At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady.

She started screaming out of fear.

With a panic-stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.

Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.

The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away but …it landed on another lady in the group.

Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.

The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.

In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.

The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behaviour of the cockroach on his shirt.

When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant.

Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behaviour?

If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?

He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.

It is not the cockroach, but the inability of those people to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach, that disturbed the ladies.

I realized that it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but it’s my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.

It’s not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs me, but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me.

More than the problem, it’s my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life.

Lessons learnt from the story:

I understood I should not react in life.

I should always respond.

The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.

Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well thought of.

A beautiful way to understand LIFE.

The HAPPY person is not happy because Everything is RIGHT in his Life.

He is HAPPY because his Attitude towards Everything in his Life is Right!

Some People Won’t Get It 🤷

A Wife came Home early and found her Husband in their Bedroom making love to a very Attractive Young Woman. She was very Upset.

“You are a Disrēspêctful Pīg!” she Cried.

“How dare you do this to me – a Faithful Wife, the Mother of your Children! I’m Leaving you. I want a Divorce, NOW!”

The Husband calmly replied, “Hang on just a Minute Love. At least let me tell you what Happened.”

“Fine, go ahead”, the Wife Sobbed, “but they will be the last Words you say to me!”
The Husband Began:

“Well, as I was getting into the Car at Work to drive Home, this Young Lady here asked me for a Lift. She looked so Distressed, Helpless and Defenceless that I took Pity on her and let her into the Car.”

“She was very Thin, not well Dressed and very Dirty and told me that she hadn’t Eaten for Three Days.”

“Out of Compassion, I brought her Home and Warmed up the Pizza I made for you last Night that you wouldn’t eat because you’re afraid you’ll put on Weight. The Poor thing Ate it, Ravenously.”

“She was Dirty. I suggested she have a Shower. While Showering, I noticed her Clothes were Filthy and Threadbare. I threw them away.”

“I gave her the Designer Jeans that you’ve had for a Few Years, but don’t Wear because you say they are too Tight.”

“I gave her Underwear, your Anniversary Present from me, which you don’t Wear because you said I don’t have Good Taste.”
_”I gave her the Sexy Blouse my sister gave you for Christmas, that you don’t Wear just to annoy her.

I also donated those Boots you bought at an expensive Boutique but don’t Wear because someone at Work has the same Pair.”_
The Husband Paused, took a quick Breath and continued:

_”She was so Grateful for my understanding and help that as I walked her to the Door, she turned to me with Tears in her Eyes and said, “Please Sir… Do you have anything else that your Wife doesn’t use?”

After Healing From The Trauma

Nobody talks about what happens after you finally heal from a traumatizing relationship.

When you’ve taken the time to focus on yourself and are ready to step back into the dating world, it feels nearly impossible to find someone because you recognize the red flags in everybody.

You notice so many things you’re unwilling to compromise on because you actually trust your intuition now.

You can see potential issues in people and know you won’t be able to overlook them later in the relationship.

So, you don’t let your feelings cloud your judgment and cut things off before they even begin.

Then, you realize how many people aren’t actually working on themselves.

They’re just seeking shallow connections and think they’re perfectly fine the way they are.

There’s no room to grow together because they’re already set in their ways.

It’s exhausting at times, and the loneliness can take a toll on you.

But you have to remember one thing: it’s better to be single with high standards than to be in a relationship settling for less.

Treasures That Lasts Forever

Everything that we collect here on earth has an expiration date. Cars break down. Houses crumble. New phones become obsolete—really quickly. In the long run, we really have no control over the things of this world.

Jesus invites us to a different way of life when He tells us to focus on storing up treasures in heaven, where things do not deteriorate or disappear. Rather than focusing on piling up earthly things, He calls us to focus on heavenly things that will last eternally.

Everything we own was actually given to us by God’s grace.

We can break the habit of amassing treasure on earth by seeing all of our material possessions as something given by God for us to share with others. We can also shift our priorities toward making an eternal impact in people’s lives by sharing the hope of Jesus with them.

What small steps can you take today to begin to shift your focus from earthly treasure to heavenly treasure? What has God given you that you can share with others to make a difference in their life as well? Take some time to pray to God about these things.

Personal Autonomy:  Your Appearance

How you choose to present yourself to the world is a deeply personal decision.

From your hairstyle to your wardrobe choices, these are all reflections of your individuality.

Fashion trends come and go, but personal style is enduring, unique, and deeply personal.

It speaks volumes about your personality and individuality.

Sadly, societal norms and standards often create unnecessary pressure, making us feel like we need to explain or justify our appearance.

In a world that often values conformity, it’s easy to feel the need to justify why you dress the way you do, especially if your style diverges from the norm. 

But here’s a crucial reminder: Your body, your rules.

Whether you prefer dressing up or staying casual, whether you love makeup or prefer going natural, it’s completely up to you.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your appearance.

It’s an expression of who you are and an extension of your self-identity.

You have every right to express yourself in the way that makes you feel the most comfortable and authentic.

Credit:  Lucas Graham

Love Is The Simple Things

  1. Love is making the bed together when you wake up in the morning
  2. Love is cleaning each other’s ears with earbuds when you two are chilling, what a relaxing feeling
  3. Love is him helping her decide which clothes to wear, her helping to straighten his tie
  4. Love is doing shopping together as you bump into friends and say hello to the cashier at the supermarket
  5. Love is she shaving his facial hair, him helping to unstrap her bra and zip on her dress
  6. Love is waiting for each other so that you eat as a family
  7. Love is tickling the baby together, teamwork parenting
  8. Love is having a pillow fight, competing against each other, choosing opposing teams as you watch a sports game, nicely bullying and teasing each other
  9. Love is filling a crossword puzzle together, playing indoor games
  10. Love is him blowing away the eyelash that has entered her eye and causing her irritation, her wiping the stain on his shirt
  11. Love is looking at old photos together
  12. Love is sending each other funny, inspiring or sweet messages, articles and videos
  13. Love is asking her to slow dance when you’re just you two in the house
  14. Love is praying together
  15. Love is taking walks together, jogging together or cycling together
  16. Love is visiting your parents as a couple
  17. Love is listening to good music together whether as you drive, or at home
  18. Love is hearing the silly stories from your children or sharing great conversations with them as a couple. Giving them amazing memories
  19. Love is covering each other with a blanket when the other is too sleepy and dozes off
  20. Love is when your spouse is your best friend

Some stress and worry themselves to impress with extravagance and expensive things, but love is seen in the small every day miracles, wonders and moments that happen when a man and a woman trust each other and enjoy each others.


Narcissists are like a puzzle with missing pieces – incomplete and fragmented. They think they’re the complete package, but they’re just a work in progress … forever.

They’re like a song with only one note – repetitive and boring. They think they’re the stars of the show, but they’re just a one-hit wonder … and that hit is their own ego.

They’re like a book with no ending – a never-ending story of self-absorption. They think they’re the authors of their own destiny, but they’re just writing the same chapter over and over … and it’s getting old.

They’re like a mirror that only reflects their own image – blind to the truth. They think they’re the only ones who matter, but they’re just a reflection of their own insecurities.

They’re like a storm that only brings destruction – leaving a trail of hurt behind. They think they’re the center of the universe, but they’re just a tornado of self-destruction.

They’re like a garden with only weeds – choking out the beauty around them. They think they’re the gardeners of their own lives, but they’re just suffocating the beauty of others.

They’re like a river that only flows inward – never giving, only taking. They think they’re the source of all wisdom, but they’re just a dry well of selfishness.

They’re like a flame that only burns brightly for themselves – leaving others in the dark. They think they’re the light of the world, but they’re just a flickering candle of ego.

They’re like a work of art that only celebrates themselves – a masterpiece of self-worship. They think they’re the Picassos of their own lives, but they’re just painting a portrait of narcissism.

They’re like a journey that only goes in circles – never arriving at the truth. They think they’re the navigators of their own destiny, but they’re just lost in the wilderness of their own ego.

Men Process Emotions Slower Than Women

Men needs to slow down when it comes to a woman’s body. She needs to slow down when it comes to his heart.

There is an interesting brain structure called the corpus callosum that is distinctly important in the differences between men and women.

What this part of the brain is responsible for is the switching between left and right brain modes of thinking.

Women have a distinctly thicker corpus callosum, generally, than men.

What this means is that women have much more neural density connecting the two hemispheres than men do, and are capable of switching between right and left brain modes of thinking at a much higher speed.

The left part of our brain deals with the logical, rational, practical, objective and tangible aspects of reality, whilst the right part of our brain, however, deals with abstract, creative, feeling, emotional, sensual and intuitive aspects of reality.

In the left hemisphere we process the concrete and actionable parts of our life and relationships. In the right hemisphere we process the subtle, relational and intangible parts of our life and relationships.

With less density of connection between the two hemispheres, men take time (and often considerable effort) to shift from an analytical and rational orientation to an emotional and relational one.

This doesn’t mean they can’t, it just takes longer.

When a woman comes to her man with an emotional issue, he is more than likely sitting contentedly in his left brain (which is where most men are more comfortable) and suddenly he is being asked to meet her over there in the right brain.

Gathering all his effort he begins the laborious journey over to the feeling part of the brain.

In the meantime, she has processed significant parts of the emotion and is bewildered at his lack of responsiveness.

His inability to meet her, right here right now, sets off all kinds of alarm bells of rejection and she rushes over to the left part of the brain to find solutions to what might be going wrong, and then back again to the right. This rapid switching sends her brain into overdrive.

The poor man has only just arrived in the right brain and is trying to make sense of this vast feeling world that is now swirling all around him.

They are operating at entirely different speeds now.

She is 12 steps ahead wondering what the hell is wrong with him!?

She asks him a feeling-based question, and 18 seconds pass without him opening his mouth.

To her it feels like 3 hours have gone by already.

“He doesn’t care at all about this, about me, about our relationship!!!”

He is digging deep inside into this less familiar territory trying to make sense of how he actually feels about it, and is gathering himself to speak.

Finally a sentence tumbles out of his mouth, and it is clunky and unformed… and so stupidly… male!

A bomb explodes inside of her.

She interrupts him.
He gets defensive.
They fight.

The emotions are the domain of the heart and men move slower here.

Men process emotions slower.
Men take longer to open their hearts.
Men take longer to open after a fight.
Men take longer to recover after a breakup.


When women understand this about men, they can support him immensely into deepening into the deep worlds of intimacy, of which men are absolutely capable of journeying, through patience, time and space.

The Spirit Of Truth Will Guide You

One of the major promises in the Old Testament is that one day the Spirit of God would dwell within the people of God. Previously, the people of God interacted with the presence of God within the temple.

In fulfillment of Scripture, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort God’s people. This has big implications. It means that Christians have access to the presence of God by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. God’s Spirit is with us wherever we go.

Jesus mentions in John 16:13 that the Spirit of God will guide us into all truth. God desires to be part of our daily journey through life, helping us and guiding us towards what is right. 

When we have questions about what direction in life to take, the Holy Spirit is there to help us. When we’re not sure what is right or wrong, the Holy Spirit is with us to bring light to our decision.

Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will speak to us in accordance with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit will also reinforce and help us understand what we read in Scripture.

Throughout this week, make an effort to be mindful of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life. Remind yourself that God is with you every day. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and illuminate your path in life, and spend time praying to be comforted and strengthened by God.

The Different Stages Of Marriage

  1. THE AMAZEMENT STAGE: This is the “wow” stage. Lots of new things to discover with your spouse. The newness and the freshness is so amazing.

Sleeping on the same bed, wearing the same attire, cooking for him, doing house chores with her, bathing together. Wearing your dazzling wedding ring everywhere, turning people’s heads at the newest couple around.

Loads and lots of fun. Sexual exploration and excitement. Being in control of your kitchen, feeding him and lots more. It’s the honeymoon stage and it’s so so beautiful.

  1. THE IRRITATION STAGE: This is when you begin to notice weaknesses you have overlooked or blissfully wish they went away but didn’t.

The repetition of such weaknesses begins to work on your nerves and you are getting irritated: he snores a lot, she is slow in the kitchen, she belches loudly, he screams unnecessarily, she won’t bathe before coming to bed or shave,

He spends many hours watching football and ignores you when you talk. “What’s just wrong with this guy?” You think aloud, well it’s part of marriage.

    This is when the repetition of such weaknesses gets on your nerves and you display your anger. The introverted partners stuffs it in and either keep malice, avoid you

Or stubbornly continue with the irritating habit. It’s the stage you begin to wonder: “have I really married the wrong guy?” “Have I married the wrong woman?” No, you did not, you are simply going through a phase together.

    When you both begin to face the reality of marriage and acknowledge your partner’s weaknesses.

You eventually realize anger and malice does not solve any problem and begins to find ways to deal with your differences, both of you begin to compromise here and there and adjust to each other.

    When it dawned on you that some things are just part of your partner and may never change. You resign from anger, abuse and quarrel and choose to accept them, lovingly adjust to them and enjoy them regardless of their weaknesses.
    This is the stage where you permanently accept them with all their strengths, weaknesses, shortcomings and flaws and love them unconditionally regardless of what they do.

This is real love -agape, divine and true. You reconnect emotionally, spiritually and physically at a deeper level and enjoy honey moon again while building a lasting marriage regardless of the challenges you face.

There is no perfect marriage. Every marriage goes through this stages. How you handle it will determine if you will come out bitter or better.

You don’t have to abuse your spouse or keep malice if God is at the centre of your home and you obey the word of God daily. Nevertheless, do not be disappointed if you go through the unpleasant stages in marriage. It is a phase and will surely end.

Handle your marriage with wisdom and keep loving regardless of the challenges you face. That is what will make your marriage a heaven on earth experience. Thanks for reading. God bless you.

Advice To Those Falling In Love

Strengthening your connection will help you understand your feelings. Even if you’re not quite ready to express how you feel, you can still bond with the person you love. By getting to know each other better, you’ll both gain a more complete sense of how you feel about the other person.

  1. When you fall in love make sure it’s with somebody who treats you exactly how you deserve to be treated.
  2. Love somebody who wants to know everything about you, from your favorite color to your childhood memories how you managed to survive all those years.
  3. Love somebody who can make you laugh, who kisses your forehead and who notices all your flaws but chooses to see past them.
  4. Love somebody who listens to whatever is on your mind, who protects you and always reminds you how blessed they are to have found you.
  5. Love somebody who you can’t stay mad at for more than an hour because you miss speaking to them, who knows every freckle on your face, every stretch mark on your thighs, every scar and every tear.
  6. Love somebody who you can plan your future with, and most importantly love somebody who is God fearing.
  7. And lastly don’t forget to make them feel loved in return.

A Peace Of Mind

What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?

A peace of mind is a little slice of heaven that makes life truly rich.

Your peace is your birthright. It’s not something that you should ever have to work for.

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your peace for anything. It has more value than you’ll ever know and if giving it up is the price you must pay, don’t do it.

Common Sense Advice


Common sense is the ability to make practical decisions and solve everyday problems based on a deep understanding of how things work. 

  1. Stay out of bad debt. A simple rule is that if the debt can increase your net worth or has future value (home), it can be good. If the debt is lowering your net worth (credit card debt) or depreciates in value (car), it’s typically hurting your financial situation.
  2. Distraction is the greatest killer of success. It stunts and destroys your brain.
  3. You shouldn’t take advice from people who are not where you want to be in life.
  4. No one is coming to save your problems. Your life’s 100% your responsibility.
  5. You don’t need 100 self-help books, all you need is action and self discipline.
  6. Spend less than you make. This may seem obvious, and boring, but spending less than you make is by far the biggest key to financial success. If you struggle with spending, focus on this one rule until you’re at a point where you have positive cash flow at the end of the month.
  7. Stop being shy, go out and create your chances.
  8. If you find someone smarter than you, work with them, don’t compete.
  9. Smoking has 0 benefit in your life. This habit will only slow your thinking and lower your focus.
  10. Comfort is the worst addiction and cheap ticket to depression. Get out of your comfort zone.
  11. Don’t tell people more than they need to know, respect your privacy.
  12. Avoid alcohol at all cost. Nothing worse than losing your senses and acting a fool.
  13. Keep your standards high and don’t settle for something because it’s available.
  14. The family you create is more important than the family you come from.
  15. Train yourself to take nothing personally to save yourself from 99.99% of mental problems.

What You Tell Yourself Matters

What you tell yourself every day matters. If you believe something about your identity that isn’t true, then you will struggle to believe what God says about you.  But, when you root your identity in God and allow His Spirit to shape your life, you will begin to see yourself the way HE sees you. This changes everything!

Here are three ways you can guard your thoughts and declare God’s truth over your life:

1. Identify the lies you tell yourself.

Your words and actions reveal the narratives you tell yourself. To figure out if a narrative is false, ask yourself: Is this thought marked by fear, insecurity, pride, bitterness, or a lack of confidence? Is this thought leading me to cynical or self-serving behavior? If you can answer “yes” to either of those questions, then the narrative you’re telling yourself probably needs to be addressed and adjusted. 

When you can identify where and when you began believing a lie, it’ll be easier to change the way you think.

2. Shift your perspective.

For every lie, there is a truth that can replace it—and those truths can be found in the Bible. Look over your list of lies, and ask God to show you in His Word what His truth is. Create mental space for the Holy Spirit to clearly show you how He sees you.

3. Declare what’s true.

Turn the truths from Scripture into specific, intentional statements you can declare over your life each day. 

As you practice these steps, keep in mind that if God—whose Word is truth—says something about you, then it must be true. So allow His Holy Spirit to transform the way you think. Let His thoughts about you become your thoughts about you.

Know Your Worth

I saw this analogy and it made so much sense, so I’m sharing it with you 😊

A bottle of water at Costco is $0.25.

The same bottle in the supermarket is worth about $0.50.

The same bottle in a bar costs $2.

In a good restaurant or hotel it can be worth up to $3.

At an airport or on the plane, you may be charged $5.

The bottle and the brand is the same, the only thing that changes is the place.

Each place gives a different value to the same product.

When you feel like you are worth nothing and everyone around you belittles you, change places, do not stay there.

Have the courage to change places and go to a place where you are given the value you deserve.

Surround yourself with people who really appreciate your worth.

Don’t settle for less.💕

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was not only a martial artist and actor, but also a philosopher. Here are some of his most famous philosophical thoughts:

  1. Be Water, My Friend: “Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
  2. Express Yourself: “Always be yourself; express yourself; have faith in yourself. When I look around, I always learn something and that is to be always yourself, and to express yourself, to have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
  3. No Limitation as Limitation: “Using no way as way; having no limitation as limitation.
  4. One Family Under the Sky: “Under the sky, under the heavens, there is but one family.
  5. Practical Dreamer: “Be a practical dreamer backed by action.
  6. Changeless State: “To change with change is the changeless state.
  7. Research Your Own Experience: “Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful. Reject what is useless. Add what is essentially your own.
  8. Walk On!: “When life gives you obstacles, you must summon the courage and walk on!
  9. Don’t Neglect Life: “Don’t neglect life by worrying about death. Have no regrets. Do what you want to do and with sincerity and to the best of your ability. You can’t ask much more from life than that.

These philosophies reflect Bruce Lee’s outlook on life and martial arts, and they continue to inspire millions of people around the world.

Tough Times


If you feel like giving up, read this:

  1. This is a Phase.
    Tough times are just a phase. They don’t last forever. Life is a cycle of highs and lows. Remember, this too shall pass. You’re in the middle of the storm now, but clear skies are ahead. Hold on.
  2. You Are Stronger Than You Think.
    Never underestimate your resilience.
  • You’ve survived 100% of your bad days.
  • Inside you, there is an inner strength.
  • Your potential is greater than any problem.

Remember, you’re stronger and more capable than you believe.

  1. Small Steps Count.
    Progress isn’t always a leap forward. Sometimes it’s tiny, almost imperceptible steps. Each step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goal. Celebrate every bit of progress. Slow and steady can still win the race. Keep moving forward.
  2. Remember Your ‘Why’.
    Think back to the reasons why you started. Reconnect with your motivation and your goals.
  3. Failure is a Stepping Stone.
    It’s okay to fall but it’s important to rise again. Every setback brings learning opportunities. Remember, every great success story involves overcoming obstacles. Keep going. Your story is being written.
  4. Practice Self-Care.

Self-care is essential, especially during tough times.

  • Eat nutritious food
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Connect with loved ones
  • Engage in activities that bring joy.

It’s not selfish, it’s survival. Your well-being matters.

  1. It’s Okay to Ask for Help.
    Remember, you’re not alone in this journey.
  • Reach out to friends, family, or professionals
  • Open up about your struggles
  • Seek support when you need it

Strength isn’t just about enduring in silence. It’s also knowing when to ask for help.

To my friends and readers, Fight for yourself. No matter how difficult it becomes, never let yourself give in. After some time, your spark will eventually return. You will come out happier, healthier, and wiser. We are in this together.

The Rules For Attending Cookouts

As we begin the season of “cookouts” please be mindful of a few things…

1) Do not show up if you were not invited by the host. I don’t care who you know!

2) If you were invited do not bring extra people with you.

3) Always ask do I need to bring anything.
Even if the answer is no, bring a bag of chips at minimum.

4) Should you bring anything at all, bring it with the intention of leaving it.

5) If you have not contributed financially to the event you “ARE NOT” entitled to leave with anything wrapped in aluminum foil or in a Tupperware container.

6) Everyone has rules at their house, be respectful or don’t come.

7) If your children are not well behaved, you must stay at home with your children. (Sorry, not sorry)

😎 The Saints will mingle with the Aints, if you can’t handle that, stay home!

9) This is not the time for you to learn the latest line dance.. Sit down somewhere!! You had all of spring and winter to practice!

10) If you smoke, idc what it is, sit yourself down in an isolated area . No one wants that stuff blowing in their face or over their food.

11) This goes along with #7… The cookout is not a free babysitting service. You brought your child YOU watch your child.

12) The food is not going to run out. Stop making these gigantic plates knowing you can’t eat it all.

13) Stop asking who made the potato salad. If I told you, you wouldn’t know any way!

14) Before you trip about the sodas not being “Name Brand”, ask yourself did you contribute one dime.

15) Before you open a fresh bottle of water finish the one you started.

That’s enough for now, please govern yourselves accordingly!

Being In Love vs Being Foolish

You have to know when its time to let go & walk away from what’s not meant for you. It’s called “Wisdom”.

You have to know the difference between being patient & foolishly wasting the best years of your life waiting for someone that does not want you.

Some people you call your partners moved on very long ago & are happy with other people yet you hold on & hope against hope that they will come for you even when clearly have nothing to wait for.


Stop talking about how they have held on to you . Some people never hold on to you because they love you, they do so because they are selfish & want to come for you only when it’s convenient for them.

Refuse to be used. Don’t be the one left on pause while they have a good time with someone else only to come when they are lonely & see the need to be with you.

The time you waste waiting for such an ungrateful fool could be used to position & package yourself to get the best you deserve in life.

Listen – No matter how much you love someone you must cut them off when they’re hurting you more than they’re loving you. Love is a 2 way thing. You should never let ungrateful people waste your time.

Can You Drink Too Much Water

We often hear about the importance of drinking plenty of water. But did you know that drinking too much water can be bad for your health?

Drinking excessive amounts of water can overwhelm your kidneys and dilute the sodium content of your blood. The condition is sometimes called water intoxication or hyponatremia. When this happens, water moves into cells – including brain cells – and can cause swelling. Hyponatremia can lead to a host of symptoms, including:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Muscle cramping or weakness

Severe cases can lead to seizures, loss of consciousness or death, though these occurrences are rare. In 2007, hyponatremia caused the death of a radio show contestant after she took part in a water-drinking contest and reportedly drank nearly two gallons over two hours. More recently, actress Brooke Shields said she had a grand mal seizure caused by drinking too much water.

How Much Water is Enough?

The widespread belief that you should drink eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day for good health is a myth. There is no scientific research behind it.

There’s no standard amount of water you should drink daily – it varies person to person and depends on health conditions and levels of physical activity. The National Academy of Medicine estimates an optimal daily fluid intake is approximately 15 cups for healthy men and 11 cups for women. That includes fluids consumed from foods and beverages. About 20 percent of your daily fluid intake comes from foods.

A good rule of thumb for healthy people is to drink according to thirst. Older adults may have a decreased level of thirst and should make it a point to drink water even if they’re not thirsty. Urine color is another good gauge of hydration: Light yellow is good. Dark yellow indicates dehydration. Also, you may need to drink more than usual if you have vomiting or diarrhea.

How Much Water Is Too Much?

There is no set amount of water that causes water intoxication. The kidneys can process about one liter of fluid per hour, so any amount above that over a number of hours can be risky.

  • Among healthy people, endurance athletes tend to be at greatest risk for overhydrating.
  • Certain medical conditions such as kidney and liver disorders can contribute to overhydration.
  • Certain drugs such as diuretics, anti-psychotics and ecstasy can increase thirst and lead to overhydration.

Have You Ever Felt Broken

Though you may feel defeated, God is closer than you realize. He is always with you and can heal your heart. 

There’s no one who sees the worst of us and loves us anyway – But GOD.

There’s no one else who has compassion for our deepest longings.

There’s no one else who can be trusted with the most tender part of our dreams.

There’s no one else who’s there to guide, teach, and comfort—when it feels like everyone else has left. 

Because God is holy, He is always good.

He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Rest assured, there is no one else who’s more worthy of your trust, your respect, and your heart.

Place your heart in God’s hands.

Allow Him to reconstruct the brokenness and infuse joy into those damaged situations.

God seeks to repair the injuries and fully restore function in every area of your life.

Heavenly Father, I surrender into Your hands all that is hurting in my life. You alone can repair my brokenness, bind up my wounds and revive Your intended design for me. Thank You for being my Healer and for showing me Your ever-present loving care. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Personal Autonomy:  Your Relationship

In a society where romantic relationships are often seen as a measure of happiness and completeness, it seems like our relationship status is a topic of endless curiosity for others.

You might find people prying into why you’re still single, or why you’re not married yet, or even why you’re dating the person you are.

It might be easy to feel pressured to justify your relationship status.

However, whether you’re single, in a relationship, married, divorced, or it’s complicated, it’s important to remember that your relationship status is your business and yours alone.

Your happiness is not defined by society’s relationship norms but by your own personal contentment.

As long as your decisions are leading to your own happiness and growth, that’s all that matters.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your relationship status.

It’s entirely your business who you choose to date, marry, or stay single for.

Credit:  Lucas Graham

Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand

God is unchanging in His character, will, and covenant promises.

The image of God’s hand is symbolic, meaning power and compassion, strength and tenderness.

God’s hand has a wonderful ability to do any and all things, in any and all times.

Regardless of the trial, situation or circumstances in our lives, it must not deter us from holding to God’s unchanging hand, because He is our Strength and will always deliver us from anything no matter what.

Dear Ladies


If another WOMAN is able to get CLOSE to your MAN, she’s not the PROBLEM, HE is. The fact that another WOMAN feels so welcomed REFLECTS on your MAN’S BEHAVIOR behind your BACK because no WOMAN can DATE or get closed to your MAN if he didn’t allow it.

Sisters never COMPETE with another woman over a MAN. If he makes another WOMAN feels like she stands a chance with him, let her have him. You don’t want someone that EVERYONE can have.

Listen, a GOOD MAN will place you ABOVE other WOMEN, he will RESPECT your FEELINGS and SET BOUNDARIES because he knows that CHEATING causes emotional trauma to any RELATIONSHIP or MARRIAGE.


You are not a REHABILITATION CENTER for an unfaithful man. You cannot keep a GROWN MAN because you love him, rather a GROWN MAN keeps himself because he loves and RESPECT you.

Nothing keeps a man who doesn’t want to be kept. Stop fighting another woman over an IRRESPONSIBLE man, you will end up belittling yourself because of a MAN who doesn’t value your EXISTENCE.

Stop tolerating cheating just to keep a MAN, the ENEMY of a woman isn’t another WOMAN rather the ENEMY of a woman is the irresponsible man who lacks discipline and respect for his woman.

Having a man isn’t an achievement or trophy until you have a man who values you, respect you, appreciate you and who gives you PEACE OF MIND.

Truth is if another WOMAN STEALS or SNATCH your MAN, there’s no better revenge than letting her keep him. REAL and GENUINE MEN can’t be STOLEN or SNATCHED.



Credit:  Facebook Post

Ponder This

Possibly the most important thing you’ll read this year…

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the ‘Peanuts’ comic strip.

You don’t have to actually answer the questions. Just ponder on them. Just read it straight through, and you’ll get the point.

  1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
  2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
  3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
  4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
  5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
    • Name the last decade’s worth of World Series winners.
      How did you do?
      The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
      These are no second-rate achievers.
      They are the best in their fields.
      But the applause dies.
      Awards tarnish …
      Achievements are forgotten.
      Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
      Here’s another quiz. See how you do on this one:
  6. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
  7. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
  8. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
  9. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
    • Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
      The lesson:
      The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money … or the most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most.

Advice To All Employees

  1. Build a home earlier. Be it rural home or urban home. Building a house at 50 is not an achievement. Don’t get used to government houses. This comfort is so dangerous. Let all your family have good time in your house.
  2. Go home. Don’t stick at work all the year. You are not the pillar of your department. If you drop dead today, you will be replaced immediately and operations will continue. Make your family a priority.
  3. Don’t chase promotions. Master your skills and be excellent at what you do. If they want to promote you, that’s fine if they don’t, stay positive to your personal.
  4. Avoid office or work gossip. Avoid things that tarnish your name or reputation. Don’t join the bandwagon that backbites your bosses and colleagues. Stay away from negative gatherings that have only people as their agenda.
  5. Don’t ever compete with your bosses. You will burn your fingers. Don’t compete with your colleagues, you will fry your brain.
  6. Ensure you have a side business. Your salary will not sustain your needs in the long run.
  7. Save some money. Let it be deducted automatically from your payslip.
  8. Borrow a loan to invest in a business or to change a situation not to buy luxury. Buy luxury from your profit.
  9. Keep your life,marriage and family private. Let them stay away from your work. This is very important.
  10. Be loyal to yourself and believe in your work. Hanging around your boss will alienate you from your colleagues and your boss may finally dump you when he leaves.
  11. Retire early. The best way to plan for your exit was when you received the employment letter. The other best time is today. By 40 to 50 be out.
  12. Join work welfare and be an active member always. It will help you a lot when any eventuality occurs.
  13. Take leave days utilize them by developing yr future home or projects..usually what you do during yr leave days is a reflection of how you’ll live after retirement..If it means you spend it all holding a remote control watching series on Zee world, expect nothing different after retirement.
  1. Start a project whilst still serving or working. Let your project run whilst at work and if it doesn’t do well, start another one till it’s running viably. When your project is viably running then retire to manage your business. Most people or pensioners fail in life because they retire to start a project instead of retiring to run a project.
  2. Pension money is not for starting a project or buy a stand or build a house but it’s money for your upkeep or to maintain yourself in good health. Pension money is not for paying school fees or marrying a young wife but to look after yourself.
  3. Always remember, when you retire never be a case study for living a miserable life after retirement but be a role model for colleagues to think of retiring too.
  4. Don’t retire just because you are finished or you are now a burden to the company and just wait for your day to die. Retire young or whilst energetic to enjoy waking up for a cup of coffee, enjoy the sun, receive money from your business, visit nice place that you missed and spend good time with family. Those who retire late, spend about 95% of their time at work than with their family and that’s why they see it difficult to spend time with their family when they retire but end looking for another job till they die. If they don’t get another job, they die early.
  5. Retire at your house than at government accommodation so that when you retire you can easily fit into the society that raised you. It’s not easy to adjust to live in a location after spending more years at company house or at government house.
  6. Never let your employment benefits make you forget about your retirement. Employment benefits are just meant to make you relax, get finished whilst time is moving. Remember when you retire no one will call you boss if you don’t have a viable business.
  7. Don’t hate to retire because one day you will retire either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Hope this will help you look at life positively.

The Everlasting Love of God

One of the greatest truths in Scripture is the fact that God loved you so much that He sent His only Son to earth to provide a way for you to have a relationship with Him. There is nothing that you can do to earn God’s love, because He gives it freely.

The God of the universe loves you and cares for you. That can almost seems too good to be true.

It is common for people to fear losing their salvation through disobedience or failing to follow God perfectly. But Scripture is clear that God’s grace and forgiveness is a free gift. Because there is nothing you did to earn it, there is nothing that can take it away from you.

The apostle Paul is very clear in the book of Romans—there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God. Death cannot separate you, because Jesus defeated death on the cross. Supernatural powers cannot separate you from God’s love, because Jesus is victorious over them.

There is nothing that can separate you from God’s love. Scripture is clear that Jesus’ death paid for all of your wrongdoing—past, present, and future. Not even your own mistakes could keep God from loving and forgiving you.

So take some time to consider how much God loves you. Let this truth soak in—nothing can separate you from the love of God. Rest in the assurance that God’s love will never leave you throughout your life.

Divine Detours

Psalm 57:2, NLT
I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.

Today’s Word:
We all have times in life when what happens to us is wrong—a coworker leaves us out, someone walks away, a door closes.

It’s easy to think that every wrong is the enemy and get discouraged, but God uses the wrongs to move us into our purpose.

What looks like a setback is really a divine detour, the hand of God taking us through wrongs that lead us to rights.

If you don’t understand this, you’ll fight everything that’s wrong or goes wrong.

The enemy will bring wrongs, but God won’t allow it if it isn’t leading you to the right thing.

Sometimes the wrong is God working out His plan for your life.

How you handle the wrongs will depend on whether you see the right.

If you get upset and try to pay people back, you’ll get stuck.

But when you understand that God has divine detours, that He uses the wrongs, things we don’t understand, to move us into our destiny, you won’t fight it.

You’ll flow with it and see the awesome things God has in store.

Prayer for Today:
“Father, thank You that You are the Most High God and that You have a way of making all the detours and wrongs move me into my purpose. Thank You that rather than fight the wrong, I can flow with it and see You fulfill the awesome plans You have for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Peace Beyond Anxiety

God tells us something different. He tells us to submit everything to Him in prayer. To submit something to God in prayer is to recognize that He is the creator and director of history, and He alone has the power to protect us and direct our lives.

If we’re careful to guard our thoughts and submit them to God, God says that He will give us His peace. The peace of God surpasses all of our understanding because it transcends our anxious and changing world.

Having God’s peace doesn’t mean that we won’t have times where we feel anxious. But even in the most anxious of times, we can rest in the assurance that God is with us, and He is more powerful than our anxiety. When we offer God our thoughts and circumstances, we allow Him to step in. We allow Him to transform the ways we think and act. We allow His peace to come and guard our hearts and minds. 

The truth is, we don’t have the power to change our thoughts or circumstances—only God does. When we try to take control, we often worsen the spiral of anxiety and worry. But we don’t have to stay in that place. We can bring our concerns to God, and allow Him to give us His peace in return. Over time, we will discover that His peace has empowered us to think and act differently.

Every time you find yourself anxious, take a moment to pause and pray. Be honest with God and tell Him exactly how you’re feeling and thinking in that moment. Remember that God is always in control, and always present with you.