
Narcissists are like a puzzle with missing pieces – incomplete and fragmented. They think they’re the complete package, but they’re just a work in progress … forever.

They’re like a song with only one note – repetitive and boring. They think they’re the stars of the show, but they’re just a one-hit wonder … and that hit is their own ego.

They’re like a book with no ending – a never-ending story of self-absorption. They think they’re the authors of their own destiny, but they’re just writing the same chapter over and over … and it’s getting old.

They’re like a mirror that only reflects their own image – blind to the truth. They think they’re the only ones who matter, but they’re just a reflection of their own insecurities.

They’re like a storm that only brings destruction – leaving a trail of hurt behind. They think they’re the center of the universe, but they’re just a tornado of self-destruction.

They’re like a garden with only weeds – choking out the beauty around them. They think they’re the gardeners of their own lives, but they’re just suffocating the beauty of others.

They’re like a river that only flows inward – never giving, only taking. They think they’re the source of all wisdom, but they’re just a dry well of selfishness.

They’re like a flame that only burns brightly for themselves – leaving others in the dark. They think they’re the light of the world, but they’re just a flickering candle of ego.

They’re like a work of art that only celebrates themselves – a masterpiece of self-worship. They think they’re the Picassos of their own lives, but they’re just painting a portrait of narcissism.

They’re like a journey that only goes in circles – never arriving at the truth. They think they’re the navigators of their own destiny, but they’re just lost in the wilderness of their own ego.

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