The Rules For Attending Cookouts

As we begin the season of “cookouts” please be mindful of a few things…

1) Do not show up if you were not invited by the host. I don’t care who you know!

2) If you were invited do not bring extra people with you.

3) Always ask do I need to bring anything.
Even if the answer is no, bring a bag of chips at minimum.

4) Should you bring anything at all, bring it with the intention of leaving it.

5) If you have not contributed financially to the event you “ARE NOT” entitled to leave with anything wrapped in aluminum foil or in a Tupperware container.

6) Everyone has rules at their house, be respectful or don’t come.

7) If your children are not well behaved, you must stay at home with your children. (Sorry, not sorry)

😎 The Saints will mingle with the Aints, if you can’t handle that, stay home!

9) This is not the time for you to learn the latest line dance.. Sit down somewhere!! You had all of spring and winter to practice!

10) If you smoke, idc what it is, sit yourself down in an isolated area . No one wants that stuff blowing in their face or over their food.

11) This goes along with #7… The cookout is not a free babysitting service. You brought your child YOU watch your child.

12) The food is not going to run out. Stop making these gigantic plates knowing you can’t eat it all.

13) Stop asking who made the potato salad. If I told you, you wouldn’t know any way!

14) Before you trip about the sodas not being “Name Brand”, ask yourself did you contribute one dime.

15) Before you open a fresh bottle of water finish the one you started.

That’s enough for now, please govern yourselves accordingly!

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