Being In Love vs Being Foolish

You have to know when its time to let go & walk away from what’s not meant for you. It’s called “Wisdom”.

You have to know the difference between being patient & foolishly wasting the best years of your life waiting for someone that does not want you.

Some people you call your partners moved on very long ago & are happy with other people yet you hold on & hope against hope that they will come for you even when clearly have nothing to wait for.


Stop talking about how they have held on to you . Some people never hold on to you because they love you, they do so because they are selfish & want to come for you only when it’s convenient for them.

Refuse to be used. Don’t be the one left on pause while they have a good time with someone else only to come when they are lonely & see the need to be with you.

The time you waste waiting for such an ungrateful fool could be used to position & package yourself to get the best you deserve in life.

Listen – No matter how much you love someone you must cut them off when they’re hurting you more than they’re loving you. Love is a 2 way thing. You should never let ungrateful people waste your time.

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