Motherhood:  We Celebrate You

Thanks for being there with your hugs, words of encouragement, and endless patience throughout the years.

A person enters motherhood when they become a mother.

This most commonly happens when their child is born, but it can also happen through adoption or by marrying or becoming a partner to someone with children.

Motherhood is a gender-specific version of the term parenthood.

Being a mother is means providing that indescribable feeling of comfort, no matter the age of the child.

It’s being that person you call on that makes you feel better and doesn’t even need to say anything.

Nurturing includes meeting children’s physical demands, such as food, clothing, and protection. And it includes loving, cherishing, educating, and training them.

Motherhood expands your heart and fills it with more love than you have ever felt.

Children bring meaning to your life and you feel stronger with them.

Motherhood makes you feel complete, giving an added purpose to life.

God defines a mother according to purpose. Her purpose is one who “‘binds” the family together, holding them together individually and collectively through her love and actions.

Today and everyday, we celebrate mothers!!!

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