Stir It Up With Soup

Tastes Great, More Filling

Soup is a good choice as an appetizer, or your main meal if you’re trying to lose weight. The water in broth-based soups stretches the flavor of meats, veggies, spices, and other tasty morsels without adding calories.

It fills your tank faster and satisfies hunger longer than other heavier foods. Plus, it’s hard to gulp or guzzle soup if it’s hot. Eating slowly gives your body enough time to signal the brain that you’ve had enough. ~ Lady G ~ 💯💜

Spare Rib


As someone who doesn’t fully get how casually dating multiple people is a thing – I’m pretty much all in or all out and have basically zero sense of chill and need a good amount of alone time on top of going out – I know that there are real benefits to having an extra-full social life.

Dating multiple people at once can help you get to know faster what exactly you do and don’t like in a partner. And on top of that, dating multiple people could reveal signs you’re not ready to be exclusive. Just upfront with the people you are dating.

It’s only fair so you don’t embarrass them or have mixed feelings due to deceptions.

Do Not Give Up

We all face challenges in life. And at times, it can feel like those challenges may just beat you. But you have to keep going. 

Don’t let the idea of quitting enter your mind, stay strong, and fight for what it is that you want. The people who win in life are the ones that don’t give up!

The word impossible means only what you allow it to mean. See it as a challenge and use it to fuel you.

Never, never, never give up.You have all you need within you.

Don’t let the noise of other peoples negativity get to you. You know what you are aiming for, stay focused, and stay hungry.

Coming Home To Mississippi

Dexter Allen is an American blues musician, singer, songwriter and guitarist. Formerly the lead guitarist for the Airtight Band and blues legend Bobby Rush, he received a Jackson Music Award in 2008 for Male Vocalist of the Year. That same year, he debuted his first album titled Bluezin My Way. His work on the album resulted in another Jackson Music Award in 2009 for Entertainer of the Year.

Dexter Allen, born in Crystal Springs, MS. the son of musical Pastors Lee and Ruthie Allen, was raised on a farm and grew up understanding that life can still be wholesome with only the bare necessities.

Dexter began playing the bass guitar at the age of 12 for his father’s gospel group traveling around the central Mississippi area. His sweet blend of Blues, R&B, Soul and Funk landed him a deal in 1995 when he teamed up with Airtight Records, a local independent label, to share his musical and writing talents.

He caught the eye of living blues legend Bobby Rush who made him the lead guitarist in his worldwide touring band. Dexter’s unique style landed him the 2008 Jackson, Mississippi Music Award for Male Vocalist of the year. Earlier in 2008,he put out his first CD where he plays guitar, bass, keyboards and sings.

In 2009 he won the Mississippi Music Awards Entertainer of the Year honor.  In 2011 Dexter released his 2nd CD titled “Bluezin for Life”, going back to his roots with a host of deep Mississippi blues originals. 

In 2013 Dexter was cast in the James Brown movie “Get On Up” where he played one of Mr. Brown’s musicians. 

Over the years Dexter has developed a passionate, driving guitar style in the vein of Buddy Guy, Muddy Waters, Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page.

In 2014 Dexter was signed to Deep Rush Records, the label of icon Bobby Rush, where he released the CD titled “Bluez Of My Soul” that made many chart appearances worldwide.

In 2015 Dexter released another CD on the Deep Rush label titled “Trilogy Of My Blues” which continues to sell worldwide and delight fans all across the globe.

His live show at the Ground Zero Blues Club takes a page out of a classic old blues show, carrying on a custom that traces back to 1920s Delta pioneer Charley Patton: good, old-fashioned showmanship that makes people want to be in Dexter’s presence.

It Ain’t Easy Being Me

Jealousy & Hate Is Real

When all I want to do is help others (I am a strong believer in EACH ONE TEACH ONE), to see other people smile, be happy, and thrive in life; but all I get is negative feedback and people lying on me. That is a hurtful feeling. It makes me want to distance myself from people.

When the enemy is approaching people that know me (family, friends & associates alike); I would think that they would reject what they’re hearing (don’t get me wrong some do), but most don’t.

They feed into the lies and spread it and could careless whether they are hurting me by supporting and trying to tear down my character by the jealousy and hatred of the enemy.

I continue to pray about this situation and try to remain positive although some days are harder than other days. I keep telling myself that although the enemy is trying to drown me, God is equipping me and showing me how to swim.

My Type of People 🎯 💯 😎

And this too shall pass…🙏


Lady G

Open To Love

Why put yourself through so much pain and suffering for a love that hurts and could end?

The reason to give love another shot, I believe, is that by loving better and deeper, we become even more whole. Our hurt and tears clear the fog around our heart and illuminate the soul.

The journey to love is a journey to one’s self, your highest, most sacred and loving self.

There are plenty of obstacles keeping us from loving again.

Let go of pain

Let go of trespasses

Let go of bitterness

Let go of resentments

Let go comparing yourself to others

Let go of expectation

Let go of resistance

Let go of being tough

Let go of telling the same story over and over

Let go of fear

We only struggle because we’re ready to grow but aren’t willing to let go.

Integrity Is Everything

Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions.

Professionalism is showing compassion for others; responding appropriately to the emotional response of co-workers and subordinates; demonstrating respect for others; demonstrating a calm, compassionate, and helpful demeanor toward those in need; and being supportive.

There is no integrity or professionalism with people who have a negative agenda in life. This will get you nowhere fast. The truth will come out in the end.

Someday It Will All Make Sense

All of us have, at one point in time, placed our trust in the completely wrong person. And while you may think that there is no way you could have predicted that they would betray you, I want to show you this is absolutely wrong.

Of course you can never be 100% sure whether someone is going to be completely trustworthy, all the time.

People change, situations change, and after all, you are only human and so are they.

The biggest problem with trust comes from relying too much on what people say instead of what they do.

For example, I’m sure that, in the past, you have made a big to-do list for the next day, talked a big game of what you’re going to do, but ended up being lazy instead.

Does that mean you lied? No, but the fact remains that what you said was completely different than what you did.

So if you keep saying you’re going to do something, but never actually do it, why should people believe that you will actually go through with your plans? You keep proving them right.

In my early life, I used to take a person at their word (blind trust). Experience taught me to believe a person’s action over what they say.

My golden rule of thumb for trusting people is this: I trust people based on what they do, not what they say. Consistency is key.

Thank you, God for being with me and keeping me silent most of the time when people use me, take me for granted, lie to me and lie on me, and intentionally uses me for their own agenda. And for putting the right people in my life to lift my spirits and encourage me to move forward in life for this too shall pass.

So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.


Wishing you a day filled with blessing after blessing.

God Is In Control

The little boy put on his clothes for the cold and then told his father:

“Ok dad I’m ready”

His Dad, the pastor, said: “Ready for what?”

“Dad, it’s time to go outside and distribute our flyers.”

Dad replied: “Son, it’s very cold outside and it’s drizzling.”

The child looked surprised at his father and said: “But dad, people need to know about God even on rainy days.”

Dad replied, “Son, I’m not going outside in this weather.”

With despair, the child said: “Dad, can I go alone? Please!”

His father waited for a moment and then said: “Son, you can go. Here’s the flyers, be careful.”

“Thank you dad!”

And with this, the son went out into the rain. The 11-Year-old walked all the streets of the village, handing out the flyers to the people he saw.

After 2 hours walking in the rain and in the cold and with his last flyer in his hand, he stopped in a corner to see if he saw someone to give the flyer too, but the streets were totally deserted. Then he turned to the first house he saw, walked to the front door, touched the bell several times and waited, but no one came out.

Finally the boy turned to leave, but something stopped him. The child turned back to the door and began to touch the bell and pound the door strongly with his knuckles. He kept waiting. Finally the door was opened gently.

A lady came out with a very sad look and gently asked:

“What can I do for you, son?”

With radiant eyes and a bright smile the child said:

“Lady, I’m sorry if I upset you, but I just want to tell you that God really loves you and that I came to give you my last flyer, which talks about God and His great love.”

The boy then gave her the flyer.

She just said, “Thank you, son, God bless you!”

Well, next Sunday morning, the pastor was in the pulpit and when the service began he asked:

“Someone has a testimony or something they want to share?”

Gently, in the back row of the church, an older lady stood up. When she started talking, a radiant and glorious look sprouted from her eyes:

“Nobody in this church knows me. I have never been here, even last Sunday I was not Christian.”

“My husband died a while ago leaving me totally alone in this world. Last Sunday was a particularly cold and rainy day, and it was also in my heart; that on that day I came to the end of the road, since I had no hope and didn’t want to live anymore.”

“Then I took a chair and a rope and went up to the attic of my house. I tied one end of the rope to the rafters of the roof; then I climbed onto the chair and put the other end of the rope around my neck.”

“I then stood on the chair, so alone and heartbroken, I was about to throw myself off the chair, when suddenly I heard the loud sound of the door being knocked.”

So I thought: “I’ll wait for a minute and whoever it is will go.”

“I waited and waited, but the door knocking was getting louder and louder every time. It got so loud that I couldn’t ignore it anymore.”

“So I wondered, who could it be?”

“No one ever comes close to my door or come to visit me!”

“I released the rope from my neck and went to the door, while the bell was still ringing and the door was still being knocked on.”

“When I opened the door, I couldn’t believe what my eyes saw, in front of my door was the most radiant and angelic child I’ve ever seen.”

“He smiled, oh, I can never describe it! The words that came out of his mouth made my heart, dead so long ago, come back to life, when he said with the VOICE OF CHERUB: Lady, I just want to tell you that God really loves you.”

“When the little angel disappeared between the cold and the rain, I closed my door and read every word of the flyer.”

“Then I went to the attic to remove the chair and rope.”

“As the direction of the boy, when he left, was to this church, I came personally say thank you to that little angel of God who came just in time and, in fact, to rescue my life from an eternity in hell. And replaced it with an eternity in God’s presence.”

“I didn’t need them anymore. As you see. Now I am a happy daughter of the King.”

Everyone cried in the church.

The Pastor came down from the pulpit to the first bench on the front, where the little angel was sitting; he took his son in his arms and cried uncontrollably.

Remember, God’s message can make a big difference in someone’s life, never be afraid to spread it.

Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy

Compassion is about sharing love with others. It’s about generosity of spirit. Caring for self and others with equal gentleness and understanding.

Compassion is a circle… The love you give returns to you and fills your compassionate heart with joy, overflowing into greater and greater expressions of love in the world.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Empathy is often confused with sympathy, and compassion, which are each reactions to the plight of others.

Sympathy is a feeling of care and concern for someone, often someone close, accompanied by a wish to see him better off or happier.

The world would be a much better place if we treat each other with love and respect. Everyone is going through something at some point in their lives. Let’s be more compassionate and sympathetic to others because a lot of times we don’t know what other people are going through. Sometimes we should be empathetic toward other people so we can understand what they are going through especially if we never experienced their plight.

Stress Can Make You Sick Or Kill You

A psychologist talking about stress management in a lecture raised a glass of water. Everyone thought she would ask “Half full or half empty?” But with a smile on her face she asked “How much does this glass of water weigh?”

Answers ranged from 100 to 350g.
She replied: “Absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, no problem. If I hold him for an hour, I’ll have arm pain. If I hold for one day my arm will be damaged and paralyzed. In all cases the weight of the cup didn’t change, but the longer I held it, the heavier it got.”

She continued: “The stress and worries of life are like that cup of water. I think about them for a while and nothing happens. I think about them a little more time and they start hurting. And if I think about them all day I feel paralyzed, and unable to do anything.”

So remember to “drop the cup.”

The Power Of Prayer

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

Translation: Stop worrying about everything; instead, pray about everything.

Tell God what we need, and thank Him for all He has done for us.

Then we will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.

His peace will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.

Where’s Your Happy Place

My “Happy Place” is a place where I may regress from a stressful situation. It is anywhere I feel the most “at home” and where I can be myself. It is where I can have fun, smile, laugh, and enjoy life.

I can spend a few minutes praying to God for guidance, distress from the woes of this world, and obstacles in my life. I can ask God to open my heart to the truth and wisdom lying within His Word. I can listen the waves, feel the cool breeze on my skin, and relax in the serenity of it all.
Watch nature in all its glory from my back porch while drinking coffee is so peaceful and relaxing…
It truly is, where ever it might be!

I Heard your Voice in the Wind Today

I heard your voice in the wind today
and I turned to see your face;
The warmth of the wind caressed me
as I stood silently in place.

I felt your touch in the sun today
as its warmth filled the sky;
I closed my eyes for your embrace
and my spirit soared high.

I saw your eyes in the window pane
as I watched the falling rain;
It seemed as each raindrop fell
it quietly said your name.

I held you close in my heart today
it made me feel complete;
You may have died…but you are not gone
you will always be a part of me.

As long as the sun shines…
the wind blows…
the rain falls…
You will live on inside of me forever
for that is all my heart knows.

Justice Was Served

A wealthy white man walked into a bar in Miami. As soon as he entered, he noticed an African woman (black), sitting in one corner.

He walked over to the counter, removed his wallet and shouted, “Bartender! I am buying drinks for everyone in this bar, except that black woman over there!”

The bartender collected the money and began serving free drinks to everyone in the bar, except the African woman. Instead of becoming upset, the black woman simply looked up at the guy and shouted, “Thank you!”

This infuriated the wealthy guy. So once again, he took out his wallet and shouted, “Waiter! This time I am buying bottles of wine and additional food for everyone in this bar, except for that African sitting in the corner over there!”

The bartender collected the money from the man and began serving free food and wine to everyone in the bar except the African. When the waiter finished serving the food and drinks, the African woman simply smiled at the man and said, Thank you!”

That made him furious. So he leaned over the counter and asked the bartender, “What is wrong with that black woman? I have bought food and drinks for everyone in this bar except for her, and instead of becoming angry, she just sits there, smiles at me and shouts ‘Thank you.’ Is she mad?”

The bartender smiled at the wealthy man and said, “No, she is not mad. She is the OWNER of this establishment.”

May our enemies work unknowingly in our favor…….

Turkey Taco Casserole

This turkey taco casserole recipe is a classic throwback dish, and so delicious and satisfying! Perfectly seasoned ground turkey is layered with tortillas, beans and cheese then “customized” toppings are added to make your perfect plate!
It can be made up to two days ahead and popped in the oven for a no hassle weeknight dinner!


Friend Code

I need to breakdown the “Friend Code” for some of you, because clearly there’s too many girls going missing or getting killed. Periodt!!!

This is how we “Old Schoolers” roll.

•Code 1: “We leave together… We stay together….We come back together. NO you’re not leaving with some RANDOM dude & NO I’m not leaving you at the party by yourself!”

• Code 2 “Both of us can’t be drunk (neither of you should) , at least one person needs to be alert & aware of our surroundings!”

•Code 3 “If you have to go to the bathroom or outside . WE ALL GOING TO THE DAMN BATHROOM OR OUTSIDE!!! Periodt!”

•Code 4 “We don’t accept drinks from strangers unless we’re at the bar and watch the bartender pour it.”

• Code 5 “if I feel like you too drunk to function , we leaving the party early (We’ll fuss about you messing up the night later).”

• Code 6 “if you just so happen to go missing. I will give you a maximum 15-30 mins to show up before I shut the place down and we ALL are going to be looking for your ass!!! FOR REAL!!! Everybody else can call the police cause I ain’t going home without you!”

• Code 7 “If you’re fighting it better be one on one, otherwise we all fighting” (Hopefully this ain’t jumping off cause we too classy and we’re ladies).”

• Code 8 and the golden rule, “The drop off person check in or everyone who drove, checks in when getting home”, if we don’t hear from you, we coming to your house.”

This is how we were raised… #OldSchool. And we still roll like this 💁🏽

Happy Mother’s Day

To all the Moms and those wearing the “Mom hat” have a blessed and joyous day and remember that you change the world every single day.

Mothers deserve to be celebrated because they’re always putting others ahead of themselves. Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to stop and reflect on all of their hard work.

Of course, Mother’s Day isn’t just a day for celebrating your own mother. It’s a day for honoring all the people in your life who support and nurture you, from your sister to your grandmother to single dad’s and everyone in between. It’s also a chance to wish a happy Mother’s Day to your mother-in-law, whose loving care helped shape the person you chose to marry.

And a special thanks to the mother’s that have transitioned. You are no longer here with us. Your memories will forever be in our hearts. You are truly missed, but never forgotten.

🙏🕊❤ R.I.P.

Clay Walker – I’d Love To Be Your Last (Official Audio)

Ernest Clayton Walker Jr. is an American country music artist. He made his debut in 1993 with the single “What’s It to You”, which reached Number One on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart, as did its follow-up, 1994’s “Live Until I Die”. Both singles were included on his self-titled debut album, released in 1993 via Giant Records. He stayed with the label until its 2001 closure, later recording for Warner Bros. Record.

The Man Who Thinks He Can

If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t;
If you’d like to win, but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost,
For out in the word we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will,
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you’re outcasted, you are;
You’ve got to think high to rise.
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But soon or late the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

Cinco de Mayo

In the United States, Cinco de Mayo has taken on a significance beyond that in Mexico. More popularly celebrated in the United States than Mexico, the date has become associated with the celebration of Mexican-American culture.

These celebrations began in California, where they have been observed annually since 1863. The day gained nationwide popularity in the 1980s thanks especially to advertising campaigns by beer and wine companies. Today, Cinco de Mayo generates beer sales on par with the Super Bowl.