Mental Disorder

WE LEARNED TO QUICKLY CLASSIFY A MENTAL PROBLEM AS A CURSE OR THE DEVIL ATTACKING: I want to share something in an extremely vulnerable transparent way.

On September 18, 1981, while training at Fort Pickett, Virginia, I suffered a traumatic brain injury in an artillery incident.

As standard practice back then, I given motrin and put on 3 days bed rest.

I then went back out into the woods, completed our forty-five days of shooting Artillery, and then drove from Blackstone, Virginia, to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

I suffered from dizzy spells, headaches, and fatigue. As a young eighteen year old corporal, I knew better than to complain about how I felt, so I simply sucked it up and served my country sick and in pain.

I served this country for thirty-eight years sick until I researched traumatic brain injuries and the symptoms associated with it.

I walked away from a six-figure job and sought mental help and got it. Yes. I traveled the world and ministered in front of thousands upon thousands of people.

What I want to say is I served in pain and with a mental illness from an injury to my brain, and it was not the devil attacking or some witchcraft.

I was simply injured and did not receive the help back then that many people are able to receive now with the new technology.

Be respectful to people, get to know their story before you label them as crazy and worthless. ~JHK

James H Kithcart

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