Random Acts Of Kindness Day

…bring joy to the people you come across

February 17, also known as Random Act of Kindness Day, is a day to practice kindness and pay it forward.

Be kind to a stranger today. The unofficial holiday is also known as National Random Act of Kindness Day in the United States.

Random Acts of Kindness Day encourages you to get out there and be the light you want to see in the world.

This day and every day should encourage people to do good deeds, and celebrate the pay it forward mentality.

It also reminds us that doing something kind for someone else can have a big impact not only on their day, but also on ours – being kind to others makes us happier, and makes us realize we need to be kinder to ourselves too.

An act of kindness doesn’t have to be a big gesture either, sometimes the smallest act can have the biggest impact.

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