Sweet Tooth

Yes, you can be TOO sweet! Sugars and acids in fruit juice and soft drinks can speed tooth decay in kids and adults. Stick to water and a healthy amount of 100% fruit juice. Get all our tips for smart drink choices at https://msdh.ms.gov/page/43,2809,151,816.html

Cavities (also known as caries or tooth decay) are one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood in the United States. Untreated cavities can cause pain and infections that may lead to problems with eating, speaking, playing, and learning.

Focusing On What Matters

When we start to lose sight of what matters in our life, it’s usually a sign that it’s time to eliminate the distractions and get focused again.

To focus on what matters, you must first decide what that is.

What really matters in our life? That includes our health, the people we love, our commitments, and our life goals. To stay true to ourselves and hold on to what truly matters to our core, we focus on the things that matter in our individual life. We are all different and unique.

In our quest to focus on what matters, we will run into road blocks. Life isn’t easy and a lot of times it isn’t fair.

First we need to weed out all the things that do not matter to us, then we can truly focus on what does.

We need to give ourselves time to reflect and focus on what is really important to us.

We need to set manageable goals to keep our energy and attention on what matters.

Write it down – having a visual helps to keep us focus and staying on track.

We have to stop listening to the negative people around us that doesn’t want us to succeed.

Bottom line, once we realize what matters to us and work toward our dreams, goals, and passion the end game is PRICELESS.

Remember the 5 R’s when we get distracted…






The road to success is ALWAYS under construction.

Being able to focus on what matters is truly a blessing we should never lose sight of. Remember, our life is defined by what WE (as individuals) choose to be important.

Forever Humble

God is in the blessing business, just trust Him and He’ll order your steps!

 2 Chronicles 7:14If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

To be humble means possessing the virtue of humility. Humility can be defined as the quality of being simple and modest in behavior. Humility can also be said to mean not being proud, arrogant, and excessively self-centered.

The most humble people are also the most generous. Humble people usually don’t expect things from other people, but give and love without any expectation of something in return. It is important to be humble because in most situations it is the right thing to do.

Back Pain

Back pain and sciatica remedies never worked for me. Acupuncture, massage, chiropractors-nothing. Until I learned why…

Back pain itself is not the core issue, but actually a symptom created by “muscle imbalance”. In order to remove the pain, we must restore balance to the muscles.


A single, 16-minute method made up of 8 unique exercises can help relieve back pain.

Learn more here:
👉 https://smarturl.it/BackStretchVOF 👈

Take Care Of Your Heart

The heart circulates oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body. When it’s not working properly, just about everything is affected.

When you take care of your whole body, you’re taking care of your heart. That means keeping a healthy weight, getting a wellness checkup each year from your doctor, and avoiding tobacco. Everything connects to your heart! Learn more about caring for your heart at https://msdh.ms.gov/page/43,0,297,240.html

Leap For Joy

Leaping for God is a leap for joy. There are people that will try to convince others to not to believe, like, or trust you because they are jealous of who you are or because they wish they are more like you. Do not hold a grudge or seek revenge on these people. Forgive, pray about it, and move on.

Luke 6:22-23

Once you let go of a grudge or revenge, you will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. Your mind will no longer be clouded by resentment, anger, or sadness. To stop holding onto a grudge or revenge, come to terms with the situation, reach a state of forgiveness, and move on.

Let’s make sure that if we suffer for the name of Christ, it is because we have been a people of character and respect, not because we have been obnoxious or self-righteous.

Life is hard, stay strong.

At the same time, let’s also remember that suffering for the name of Jesus is part of being a Christian. Rather than being surprised, let’s view these troubles as opportunities to show the character and grace of our Lord! When we do, we can be sure of God’s blessing!

The endgame is eternal life. That’s your reward. Leap For Joy.

Mental Disorder

WE LEARNED TO QUICKLY CLASSIFY A MENTAL PROBLEM AS A CURSE OR THE DEVIL ATTACKING: I want to share something in an extremely vulnerable transparent way.

On September 18, 1981, while training at Fort Pickett, Virginia, I suffered a traumatic brain injury in an artillery incident.

As standard practice back then, I given motrin and put on 3 days bed rest.

I then went back out into the woods, completed our forty-five days of shooting Artillery, and then drove from Blackstone, Virginia, to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

I suffered from dizzy spells, headaches, and fatigue. As a young eighteen year old corporal, I knew better than to complain about how I felt, so I simply sucked it up and served my country sick and in pain.

I served this country for thirty-eight years sick until I researched traumatic brain injuries and the symptoms associated with it.

I walked away from a six-figure job and sought mental help and got it. Yes. I traveled the world and ministered in front of thousands upon thousands of people.

What I want to say is I served in pain and with a mental illness from an injury to my brain, and it was not the devil attacking or some witchcraft.

I was simply injured and did not receive the help back then that many people are able to receive now with the new technology.

Be respectful to people, get to know their story before you label them as crazy and worthless. ~JHK

James H Kithcart

Random Acts Of Kindness Day

…bring joy to the people you come across

February 17, also known as Random Act of Kindness Day, is a day to practice kindness and pay it forward.

Be kind to a stranger today. The unofficial holiday is also known as National Random Act of Kindness Day in the United States.

Random Acts of Kindness Day encourages you to get out there and be the light you want to see in the world.

This day and every day should encourage people to do good deeds, and celebrate the pay it forward mentality.

It also reminds us that doing something kind for someone else can have a big impact not only on their day, but also on ours – being kind to others makes us happier, and makes us realize we need to be kinder to ourselves too.

An act of kindness doesn’t have to be a big gesture either, sometimes the smallest act can have the biggest impact.


The truth is that everyone lies from time to time. Small lies to spare someone’s feelings (eventually if someone finds out you’re lying then you’ll have another issue to deal with), omissions to avoid revealing too much, and yes, even blatant attempts to mislead are all examples of how lies can work their way into everyday communication. Lying is never good.

The worst thing about being lied to is knowing that you’re not worth the truth.

They lie again and again.

Dishonesty is their calling card.

Sometimes they don’t even seem to know what is true and what is false.

Welcome to the world of pathological liars.

Pathological lying is a mental disorder in which the person habitually lies. The reason for such lies often serves no obvious purpose other than to paint oneself as a hero or victim depending on the circumstance.

If anyone claims to always tell the truth, they are almost certainly lying.

But most of us can say with some honesty that we try to keep our lies to a minimum.

For the pathological liars, however, lying is a way of life. They tell lies more often than they tell the truth.

You cannot change someone who does not see an issue with their actions.

Life is not at all a bed of roses and everyone must face lies or dishonesty sooner or later.

As it is unavoidable, learning how to deal with liars is essential to restoring your inner peace, keeping your reputation sound, and sparing yourself some pitiful consequences.

Remember: there’s nothing better than a peace of mind.

If your mind is at peace, you are happy. If your mind is at peace, but you have nothing else, you can be happy. If you have everything the world can give – pleasure, possessions, power – but lack peace of mind, you can never be happy.

Abusive Behavior

This behavior is more common than most think & those who allow it are just as BAD 👎…

Abusive behavior is always wrong, no matter who does it. Lot of times people will justify it by demonizing their target.

They make themselves believe the person they’re hurting is less than human, and not capable of having the same feelings and emotions as all human beings do.

Because they have a fan club to support them and back them up and help them bully the victims even more.. they build that persona up over months/years, and then make it look like you are the one who treated them poorly when you finally decide to defend yourself. Then they get others to help destroy your life.

The flaw with this logic is there is the assumption that they are aware of their behavior. Someone who constantly hurts others does not possess the capacity to think beyond their own selfish desires.

We Have A Lot To Be Thankful For

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

Lack of sleep, too much coffee or alcohol, a changing shift pattern, struggling with the hustle and bustle of life, or being unable to sleep at night can all factor in making you feel tired.

The pandemic has also left people feeling pretty drained. With limitation on being around a mass of people, following CDC guidelines or not, worrying about getting sick, people in uproar about their rights bring violated, unstable economy, constant increase in crime, and a number of other issues that I didn’t name that we are struggling with in life.

If we focus more on our struggles, we are not concentrating on the things we should be thankful for. We should look for the silver lining in our struggles. No matter what happens to us, something good can come of it.

Sometimes our circumstances result from our own poor choices. But what about those times when things just happen to us for no apparent reason?

Maybe we want to shake our fists at God and cry out, “Why me? I don’t deserve all this! A good God wouldn’t make me suffer like this!”

We see the glass as half empty with a slow leak in the bottom.

But, we miss the pitcher of sweet, life-giving water hovering just above us, ready to be poured. We simply need to change our focus.

We all prefer to spend our time with happy people. They’re not only more fun, they’re more encouraging.

No one can be happy 100% of the time and I’m not encouraging disingenuous cheerfulness, but … even when we aren’t happy there are always things to be thankful for.

When we are truly satisfied and appreciative in our own lives we are more likely to want to help those who are less fortunate.

Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.

People who live with thankfulness get over setbacks and disappointments more quickly than those who are unappreciative.

Just an observation: it is impossible to be both grateful and depressed. Those with a grateful mindset tend to see the message in the mess. And even though life may knock them down, the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up.

Let’s practice more gratefulness in this world.

Personal Growth

Personal growth is the positive improvement of our skills, knowledge, wisdom, habits, behavior, and personal qualities. Personal development allows us to reach our full potential, be our best self and live our happiest, most successful life.

Personal growth can make us a sort of Buddha, but a badass at the same time. Peaceful, but highly productive. It can make us kind, but resilient. Loving, but assertive. Healthy, but with the fun-loving nature of a child.

Personal growth can improve our self-love, relationships, career prospects, spirituality, and mental and physical health to name a few. And it’s personal to us as individuals.

We can grow towards our goals in whichever way we choose, and personal growth practices act as our trusty fertilizer. The more we grow, the happier, more fulfilled we’ll be now and in the future.

Big life events, struggles, new relationships and spiritual enlightenment promote personal growth. Personal growth and development can happen by accident through forces outside our control. It can also happen just as powerfully through deliberate self-improvement.

Whether we’ve noticed or not, we’ve adapted and grown into different versions of ourselves our entire life.

Personal growth is important because it gives us the tools we need to thrive in an ever-changing world. If we want life to get better as we get older, we’ll need to become a better version of ourself. Only personal growth will get us there.  

The importance of personal growth goes way beyond polishing our halo. It’s vital if we want to live a happy life. It’s also the key to success in every single area of the human experience. 

The world needs us to be the best version of ourselves. Because it’s only when we’re the strongest, happiest US that we can go out there and help others.  

Shine Anyway

A snake began to chase a firefly that only lived to shine. The firefly stopped and said to the snake?,
“Can I ask you three questions?”

The snake said, “Yes.”

Do I belong to your food chain?”

The snake said, “No.”

“Did I do anything to you?”

The snake said, “No.”

“Then why you wanna devour me?”

The snake replied, “Cause I can’t stand to see you shine.”

Observe people patterns and actions and not their words…

Do not be afraid of anyone. Keep facing forward, with determination and a sword of Truth and Faith in God.

Stay in the light, be brave, prepare to stand alone, be prepared to be mocked, set aside, left out, bruised, lied about and lied to, but set your sights on higher things and shine anyway.

Moral of the story…
Often, some people can’t stand to see you shine, and that’s why they act like snakes, silent and ready to destroy you!

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Don’t Let Discouragement Get You Down

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1: 9)

Sometimes we plan things. Big plans. Life changes, starting a new career, starting a relationship, going out with your friends, buying a car or house, anything. We get excited about it, we think, “Thank the Lord! Look at how He’s blessing my life” when things start going well.

Then we have one of those days,weeks, months, years; cancellations, bad news, a tough week with co-workers or management or whatever the case. We feel disappointment, if we’re honest with ourselves, we feel some confusion too.

So how do we turn this around? We want to give up, but that’s not the answer. We want to drag our appointments in the door by its hair. No, that won’t work either. We want to blame someone, ourself, others, the universe.

Then we feel like, what is the world telling us? Are we really ready for this? Did the Lord really tell us to do this? Doubts. Big DOUBTS. We’ve poured hours, money, sweat, tears, time, you name it into this venture. We look into the face of uncertainty. We can’t stop now we’ve too far in.

We should give our worries to the Lord. Allow the tears, allow the mixed emotions. But when we give it over to the Lord, He will provide. He’s proved it to us time and time again.

Think about it, He healed us before, when we had nothing. He provided our needs. He won’t let us down; people will, money will, position will, things will all let us down. But He won’t. We only have to pray and believe that God is God.

The best way to chase out a negative feeling is with a positive feeling. The Bible teaches us “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Gratitude is a powerful anecdote for discouragement.

We may not be able to give God thanks for the difficult situation that we find ourselves in, but we can learn to look for things we can be thankful for in the midst of it.

Learned Helplessness

When you have so many ‘all at once’ events happening in your life, you may feel a sense of helplessness.

Life can teach you that you are ineffective and that your behaviors don’t have any effect on what happens in your life.

And if you learn that lesson, you give up trying. You have learned helplessness.

Learned helplessness is associated with depression. It describes that quality of depression where you retreat to your bed and just give up on trying to impact the world.

You give up your dreams, sense of purpose, and feeling of hope—and instead find yourself deep in a hole.

Once you are down that deep, it is hard to dig your way out of it—especially if you don’t even try to dig. Learned helplessness can maintain depression.

Find you an angel (family member, close friend, or mentor) who will walk with you. 💞🕊🙏

Walk With You | Della Reese | Full Lyric Video https://youtu.be/1sVquG3ZkQ0

Serving As A Leader

If serving is beneath you, leadership is beyond you, and as a leader, you must be willing to place the needs of others above your own.

What makes you effective as a leader is not the title you hold. Instead, it’s demonstrating an unrelenting focus on helping others succeed in their collective efforts.

It’s never about authority or power; it’s about helping others grow, inspiring people to do something they thought they could never do, demonstrating how the impossible is possible and believing in someone when they didn’t believe in themselves.

Leaders generally care about people, and they give everyone the opportunity to become the very best version of themselves. That’s what we call leadership, and that’s what real leaders do.


 The definition of insanity is said to be doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome.

Change is a scary thing, isn’t it? New people, new job, new conversations, new city, new food? Yes, it can all be a bit overwhelming – the thought of it all can be crippling.

But once you get over those fearful thoughts, and look past the bad things that could happen – you’ll focus less on where you are now, and where you want to be. One big change might be the one thing you need to get closer to your goals.

When we are not growing and evolving as an individual is when we need to change what we are doing – think outside the boxcreate

So if you want change, you’ve got to get out of that comfortable, plushy place that keeps you doing the same thing over and over again.

Creativity in my opinion is the ability to think outside of the box. It’s a lot harder to do that when you’re stuck in the same box every single day.

When you’re presented with hard times and placed in new territories, you’ll be surprised at how creative you become. Innovation is not always an option – sometimes it is a necessity.

Peach Cobbler

“Lazy Man’s” Pie- Peach Cobbler
1 stick butter or margarine
1 C. milk
1 C. sugar
1 C. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
Dash of salt
1 qt. fruit, sweetened (peaches, cherries, blackberries, etc)

Melt butter in baking pan. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and milk. Pour batter in pan on top of butter; cover with fruit. Do not stir; batter will rise to top as it bakes and absorbs the flavor of the fruit. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream. So easy!